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Looking at NUVision

Friday, July 7th, 2023

Since I still have nothing better to do, I decided to look at some obscure video codec I had laying around for really long time. And it turned out to be simple yet rather original.

Unlike many other codecs, this one codes YUV 4:2:2 (at least it looks like that) line per line in chunks of 24, 16 or 8 elements (essentially 24-pixel chunks plus shorter tail and the line width being a multiple of eight). Each chunk can be coded using one of four modes (leave it as is, decode and apply delta, copy chunk from the previous line with or without delta). Delta values are coded as chunk quantiser, delta values (-q, 0, q, escape) plus escape values. And since those mode/delta values can fit into two bits, they’re packed together into 16-bit words.

If you look at it, there’s nothing really inventive: short slices are present in many codecs, lossy delta coding is common too. But together they create a combination that I’ve not seen anywhere else. And that’s why looking at older codecs is pleasing: beside seeing rip-offs of the standard codecs sometimes you also encounter such original ideas as well.

Looking at the (un)Original Sound Quality format

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

I was asked to look at it and since I have nothing better to do, I finally did.

OSQ was a format used by WaveLab mastering software for storing lossless compressed audio (they seem to have dropped support for it in the more recent versions). Internally it’s a clone of ages-old Shorten which does not even have LPC mode, only fixed predictors.

Of course the format somewhat differs and there are more prediction modes but they still use maximum three previously decoded samples and filter coefficients are constant. There are other original additions such as stereo decorrelation or adaptive Rice coding with the parameter selected based on previous statistics and some floating-point calculations that look more complex than they should be. Overall though it looks like somebody took Shorten and decided not to do the hard part (LPC), maybe in order to make files to save faster, and tried to compensate it by a couple of simple tricks.

I’ll probably document it at my leisure but overall it’s a rather silly format.

Looking at Digital Pictures video format(s)

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Since OSQ format requires obtaining a copy of some expensive software of unknown old version, I’ll leave it to somebody else. Meanwhile I’ve looked closer at the AVC format mentioned in the previous post and its relatives.

For those of you who don’t recognize the name immediately, Digital Pictures is the company responsible for some FMV-based action games, including the infamous Night Trap. As I rediscovered previously, the AVC files they use are really SGA files with compression method 0x81 but what about the other formats?

About half of the games I could look at contain an archive occupying most of the CD space, inside that archive are the same AVC files. Other half of the games usually has one or two AVC files with a company logo and one megamovie in various formats. And after some research it turned out to be the same 0x81 compression format but with audio data and varying headers.

And since nobody bothered to document it for The Wiki, I’ll explain it here.

Looking at even more game formats

Friday, June 23rd, 2023

Since I have nothing better to do as usual, I decided to look at some game formats.

For instance, there’s a game called The Fuel Run promoting a product from a Swiss company supporting russian war crimes. This game has animations in VDO format. VDO file header starts with the string “Artform” and it employs RLE compression, each line of the frame prefixed with its size. What’s funny is that its RLE uses only bottom 6 bits for the run length and top bit is completely unused. For obvious reasons the format is not worthy documenting further.

Or there’s a game called Double Switch, this one has AVC videos. It uses RGB555 palette and 8×8 tiles that depending on opcode may be either coded with one of 25 predefined patterns and 1-7 colours or split into tiles of the smaller size. And only afterwards I decided to look into The Wiki and it seems to match SGA format description (except that this particular format variant is not documented). I don’t know if I should bother writing a decoder for it but with the lack of PC codecs to RE I might try my hoof at console ones instead.

What optimisation possibilities I miss in Rust

Friday, June 23rd, 2023

Since a certain friend of mine keeps asking what features I need in Rust and then forgets the answer, here I decided to write it all down. Hopefully it will become outdated sooner than later.

And I’d like to start with some explanations and conditions. I develop a certain multimedia project so I have certain common flows (e.g. processing 16×16 macroblocks in a frame) and I’d like to be able to optimise for them. Also I do not like to use the nightly/unstable version of Rust (as those unstable features may take an extremely long time to hit stable and they change in the process, as it happened to asm!{} support to give one example). And finally I do not accept the answer “there’s a crate X for that”—out of design considerations I prefer to avoid external dependencies (short explanation: those get out of control fast; my encoder and player projects depend only on my own crates for doing everything but the player additionally pulls sdl2 dependency and suddenly it’s 33 crates instead of 19; IIRC with a newer version of sdl2 crate the total number gets to fifty).

Anyway, here are the features I miss with some explanations why that should be relevant probably not just to me.

Looking at yet another weird game format

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

So I decided to look at yet another game at with an FMV tag. This time it was The Lawnmower Man. It had NXL format that should be a rather unremarkable container with raw video and audio except for one fact: it is EGA full-motion video (320×200, 16 colours, custom palette per each frame). It is the first time I see video being stored in planar form (i.e. for each line first the lowest bits of each colour index value are stored, then bits 1, bits 2 and finally bits 3). Now consider that the format is big-endian (even if DOS version came out reportedly earlier than Mac or SEGA CD versions) and it feels positively weird.

Some of the details I bothered to document are at the usual place (somebody should keep The Wiki alive beside Mike after all).

Conquering yet another game format

Sunday, June 18th, 2023

Sometimes I watch reviews of various old video games (usually of adventure type but not necessarily). This time it was Conquest Earth RTS from 1997 and the reviewer said magic words: “I was not able to extract or play videos with anything”. Okay, you got my attention.

I could find some .rpl files there using Escape 124 codec (yes, Eidos was the publisher, how could you tell?), some standalone .flh files and some flicN.wad archives. Despite the name, the archives turned out to have a footer, i.e. all metadata is stored at the end for a change. The video files seem to be some .flc but mostly .flh.

As one could reasonably expect, it turned out to be yet another hack of the old venerable FLIC format, now with RNCv2 compression. I did not look further to find out whether it’s raw frame or RLE-compressed data there but it does not matter much as the main features are already discovered.

There are many various FLIC extensions, like high(er)-bitdepth video, custom RLE coding schemes and even audio support. And that’s not counting the fun things like FLIC-in-AVI or FLIC-in-AVI. But I leave documenting all those format variations to The Multimedia Mike, gaming and documenting FLIC are his passions.

One last experiment with Cinepak encoder

Saturday, June 17th, 2023

I’ve remembered that back in the day there was an encoder for RoQ format (the format that uses a codebook with 2×2 YUV vectors, what a coincidence!) called Switchblade and it was using NeuQuant before it was integrated into FFmpeg where it started to use ELBG. So I decided to give it a try.

If you have forgotten, NeuQuant is an application of Kohonen neural network to the task of generating palette for an image. I’ve implemented that kind already so I tried my hoof at adapting it for a larger vector size. Good thing: it works and it’s reasonably fast (2-3 times slower than median cut, faster than partitioned ELBG—and that’s the code that uses doubles for the majority of its calculations). Bad thing: the result quality is mediocre. The results obviously can be improved by adjusting various factors (wait, am I talking about neural network or string theory?) and changing the pseudo-random order in which the candidates are sampled but I don’t feel enthusiastic about tweaking all those parameters and see which ones work good for the widest selection of video sequences.

So I’m drawing a line here. It was a quick and failed experiment, I should find something better to do.

Yet another MOV quirk

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

Since I had nothing better to do I was browsing FMV games at and in one of them I found rather peculiar sample: avconv has wrong palette for the first half of it and nihav-tool has wrong palette in the second half of the clip. And I thought that MOV is not supposed to have palette changes at all.

It turned out they used a multiple sample descriptors trick: it’s possible to provide several codec descriptions for one track and use one or another for different frames. That file has two descriptors for the video track with different palettes. Mystery solved.

And it also solved another mystery with a different file from that game where some frames are not decoded properly. It turned out that it also has two sample descriptors for the video track: one is A**le Graphics and another one is Cinepak.

Back in the day I ranted that MOV is too flexible and this proves once again how true that is. Good thing I don’t have to care about supporting such files properly.

NihAV: another step to being self-sufficient

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

I’ve mentioned previously that I played with my H.264 decoder trying to make it multi-threaded. Now I went a bit further and plugged it into my video player. So now instead of hopelessly lagging on 720p video it can play it in real time just fine—so after improving my player even further (and enabling assembly optimisations when Rust compiler is good enough for that) I can use it to play most of the videos I care about without resorting to the external decoders or players. And in theory using it more will lead to fixing and polishing it more thus forming a stable loop.

Anyway, the code is not public yet as I hacked this new encoder in a separate crate and I still need to merge it back and clean up a bit, but I’d like to describe the interfaces and my reasons behind them.

So, multi-threaded decoder has a separate interface (for obvious reasons). I thought about writing a wrapper for single-threaded decoders to behave like multi-threaded ones but decided against it (at least for now). NADecoderMT has the following methods:

  • init()—initialises the decoder. One of the parameters is number of threads to use. IMO it’s the caller that decides how many threads it can spare as the decoder does not know what will be done in parallel (maybe there’s another multi-threaded decoder or two are running);
  • can_take_input()—queries if the decoder is ready to queue the next frame for decoding. Of course you can call queue_pkt() and check if it accepted the input but it may not always be desired (e.g. if we need to retrieve an input packet and then hold it waiting until the decoder is ready to accept it);
  • queue_pkt()—tries to queue the next frame for decoding;
  • has_output()—checks if the decoder has produced some frames for the output. Since get_frame() is waiting for a frame to be decoded this function is necessary unless you want to block the thread calling the decoder;
  • get_frame()—waits until at least one frame is decoded and returns it (or a special error if there are no frames to be decoded);
  • flush()—stops decoding all frames and clears the state (e.g. after seek).

Another peculiarity of this decoder interface is that it operates on pairs of a frame and its sequential number. The reason is simple: you get decoded frames out of order so you need to distinguish them somehow (and in case of a decoding error we need to know which frame caused it).

This also leads to a special frame reorder mechanism for such codecs. I’ve created MTFrameReorderer that requires you to “register” frame for decoding (providing you with an ID that is fed to the decoder along with frame data) and to “unregister” frame on error (that’s one of the places where returned frame ID comes in handy). Unfortunately it’s not possible to create a generic reorderer that would a) work completely codec-agnostic b) not require a whole file (or an indefinitely long sequence of frames) to be buffered before output and c) produce monotone increasing sequence of frames. Considering how H.264 has no real concept of frames and can build a pyramid of referenced frames adding layer by layer (and mind you, some frames may have an error during decoding and thus not present in output). I simply gave up and made a heuristic that checks if we have enough initial frames decoded and outputs some of them if it’s possible. At least it seems to work rather fine on the conformance suite (except for a couple of specially crafter files but oh well).

Maybe in the future I’ll try more multi-threaded decoders but for now even one decoder is enough, especially such practical one. Still, I need to find something more interesting to do.