Archive for January, 2025

Professional metric benders

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025

Today on “things that Kostya cannot change so he rants about them instead” is something different from the usual political or open-source political rants.

There are several groups of people whose occupation is (in theory) to evaluate certain things. So (again, in theory) you can call them the metric for those things. In practice though they rather do the opposite and try to make things conform to the valuations they give, or at least to make public perceive those things in the way that would confirm the original claims (and truth be damned!).

Of course some would see nothing wrong with it, others would even try to tell you that they’re always right because they cannot be wrong and thus only their opinion is the true one. Well, I’ll present three examples and see for yourself.

Let’s start with the most prominent example, namely lawyers. In an ideal world, lawyers are a part of judicial process, making sure that the side they support is represented fairly—and that means that judging is done according to the laws, without glaring mistakes or prejudices. In practice though lawyers tend to get associated with paid justice, meaning that quite often the outcome of the trial or litigation depends on the pay-grades of the lawyers involved instead of actual known facts (or even laws). Which sometimes leads to the fun systems as the British one with two mandatory kinds of lawyers (barristers and solicitors) and USian one—resembling quantum dynamics—where you can call lawyers elementary particles responsible for any interactions between entities (except that quantum dynamics is easier to comprehend).

Then there’s another often disliked group of people called philosophers. In theory philosophy is a way to explain the world or some of its aspects. So one would expect philosopher to be a thinker who studies the world (or part of it) and makes some conclusions about how it works and what implications that gives for the rest of the things. For instance, science may study human morals as a thing emerging in collectives and affecting interactions between members of those collectives, while philosophy may ponder how morality defines human itself and what should be considered the ideal moral. But the modern philosophers seem to work in the reverse: first they start with a conviction (quite often a small one and benefiting them directly) and work up from that to build a system that will provide an excuse for their beliefs. Of course this is unlikely a modern trend, but history preserved enough examples of real philosophers for any epoch and different countries as well—which is hard to say about the modern world.

And finally art critics. One would naïvely expect them to be people with certain tastes who appraise certain kinds of art (paintings, sculptures, books, movies, video games etc etc) and tell public their opinion about it. You may like them or not, agree with them or not, but in either case such reviews should not merely give an abstract score but also provide an explanation of what was done right, what could be improved, and what hidden qualities may make it even better than your first impression told you. There’s a reason why people still remember and quote Roger Ebert (of Chicago Sun-Times) or Scorpia (of Computer Gaming World). But the majority of the modern art critics seem to start from the premise of having to praise the reviewed product (often, apparently, out of fear for the salary and other benefits—disappointed owners of the badly-reviewed product may stop advertising in your media or provide early access to the next products they release and so on) and construct up the review leading to the goal without mentioning the actual reasons. What makes it worse is that often it’s accompanied not by the notion “if you love X and Y then this is definitely a thing for you, otherwise you may want to skip it” but rather “if you don’t like it you’re a dumb bad person”. Thanks, I still remember a bit of Soviet Union to reject it at a visceral level.

So there you have it. Of course this effect is nothing new but I felt that for some reason I need to say it, so here it is.

This month in na_game_tool

Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Since I’ve managed to locate a couple of FMV games I decided to make a short digest on what I’ve been working (and will keep working for a bit longer).

Ravenloft ANM

This is a predecessor of DFA, the first format implemented in libav. It is simpler but has its own peculiar decisions: interframes may be updated as a series of line segments on each column, there’s very interlaced raw picture format (for 4×4 blocks), and there’s a special picture mode which tells “decode this other delta picture N times” (though I’ve not managed to locate a sample for that).

ReadySoft scenes

This company is known for the ports of the original FMV games (you know, arcade ones using Laserdisc). I’ve managed to locate samples from three of them, namely Dragon’s Lair, Space Ace and Brain Dead 13. All three turned out to be in different formats while sharing some common traits.

I’ll start with last game and keep going in the reverse. Its videos are stored in one single BD.DAT file but are easy to extract (32-bit header size followed by the TOC with 32-bit video ID, offset and size). Videos themselves are composed of two layers—background and sprite(s). Both are updated independently and the final image is composed from them. Background data employs RLE compression, sprite employs RLE with skips. What makes it remarkable is that it not merely updates background, but also issues commands on how to scroll it around.

(Side note: this makes me think about the experimental FFV codec that used field-of-view classification to split video into layers for better compression; IIRC the technology was sold for the use in some video editor and the compression part was ditched completely. Sadly the links to it are equally dead and were not archived.)

Then there’s Space Ace which is mostly similar but uses an additional mask with sprite telling which backgrounds blocks to update and which to ignore (since they’ll be overwritten anyway). There are two additional annoying features: while the output image is 320×200, background is 328×208 for some reason (for better scrolling?); and the output is vertically interlaced. As the result it stores every fourth column in both background and sprite grouped together, so you’ll have to do some tricks to restore the proper image. Take moving into account and you’ll understand why I gave up and committed my buggy version with the words “eh, good enough”.

Dragon’s Lair seems to be the oldest of them all and uses the same RLE but with different file format. I haven’t even finished figuring out details. Maybe some other day, maybe never.

Ascon videos

This is a format used in some games by ASCARON Entertainment GmbH when it had a slightly shorter name. The format is very peculiar and I’m not talking about German chunk names like BILD or ENDE.

The earlier version codes planar YUV frames (5-bit luma and 8-bit chroma components) either in raw form or as delta with possible run for unchanged area of each component. Additionally, while some YUV codecs (Cinepak and Indeo 3 come to mind) allowed displaying their output as paletted video, here the files start with large PALT chunk specifying both the palette and a way to map 15-bit YUV value to palette index.

Then the format was extended to support 6-bit luma as well and an additional frame format that first codes offset in the reference buffer for each 8×8 block. But that’s not all, there’s a completely new frame compression method that now works in RGB and employs LZSS directly on pixels and using whole frame instead of a limited window.

I still have to figure out some details like special cases for offset wraparound but the decoder should be complete soon.

Discovering such crazy codecs is definitely more interesting than, say, watching AV2 development. I’m yet to see how the console codec (suggested by Paul) works but I don’t expect much from it.

Call for a new container format!

Friday, January 17th, 2025

Sometimes I remember that Matroska exists and today I also remembered how it came to existence. Its author proudly admits mixing all the buzzwords of Web 2.0 era like XML, Semantic Web etc etc and coming up with that format. Since we’re in Web 3.0 era we should have something more modern.

That is why I’m calling for a modern multimedia container format to supplant the outdated formats of the old. It should encompass all the features that make the modern Web great:

  • binary JSON as the backbone of the format;
  • central repository for the downloadable descriptions of the parts of the format (but not codecs themselves! Think of it as of MXF specification if it helps);
  • blockchain (as well as clusterchain and framechain);
  • metaverse integration;
  • decentralised storage (so that the container may refer to some data in the cloud as well as on the local disk; even MOV could do something like this);
  • and of course AI!

Some of you may ask where AI can be applied in this scenario. The answer is obvious—transforming input data for better compression (let alone generating metadata or enabling better integration with other Web 3.0 products). A good model should be able to do the same savings like Matroska did by e.g. shaving off common headers bytes from each frame but without special mapping. An excellent model may generate the content by the embedded description instead of transmitting AV2 video. And of course the central repository will contain the description of models and parameters to be used (in addition to the descriptions of better representation of container parts layout). The possibilities are limitless!

Proposals should be sent to the Alliance for Open Media , I have worse things to deal with.

Another fun bit about image formats

Saturday, January 11th, 2025

Since I have nothing better to do (or the pending stuff makes me thinks I have nothing better to do), I search for a game to look at (preferably with a custom video format with an extension starting with ‘o’, ‘w’ or ‘y’ but any undocumented custom video format would do).

One of those games was Blood & Lace (despite the name it’s not about somebody cutting fingers while trying to put shoes on; whatever—I mostly study games, not play them). It had some videos using Indeo 4 or 5 plus some animations apparently on the game engine. Those were compressed as well as all TGA files. So out of curiosity I looked at the binary specification and apparently most of the files are compressed with LZH (the old compression method with dynamic Huffman coding used in LHA) using custom header starting with JFX1. And TGA files use JGF5 header which is almost the same but has image width and height in it before LZH-compressed data.

That’s another one in my collection of common LZ77-based methods used in multimedia compression, I wonder what will be next.