Since I’ve been asked the same questions over and over again I’ve decided to make a short (for now) FAQ page.

  • How many years does it take to get a citizenship in Germany? 7-8 years.
  • How long have you been living in Germany? Since Spring 2010, do the math yourself.
  • So you’ll get your German citizenship in a couple of years, right? Maybe. It’s the same kind of maybe as in ‘Berlin-Brandenburg airport will be open in a couple of years.’ And it does not depend on me much.
  • Can you help me with ProRes issue … I can but I have no desire nor obligations. All Trocadero I got writing an encoder is gone long time ago and I don’t participate in projects that offer any ProRes support, inquire there.
  • Can you look at this codec … I can but no promises — I rarely have a desire to do anything these days.
  • Is NihAV real? More or less, it still lacks a lot of design and code but there are some bits implemented already. Design is described in this blog when it appears, code is developed as who-cares-source.
  • Why do you blame lu_zero? Oh, there are so many reasons for that and new ones keep appearing almost every day. Mostly it’s for the things he was supposed to do but still hasn’t done (and unlikely to do in foreseeable future): AVScale design and implementation, writing blog posts on certain topics (often I end writing them, which is yet another reason to blame him), not doing much about ASF or RealMedia demuxers and related delayed work, for personal stuff (like preventing me trying Torino trams and underground), for missing technical stuff in a wiki. Oh, and for being at least two different persons. There’s more that I can’t remember right now.
  • When will you visit Pelh?imov? Dunno, maybe when I have more than three free days.

5 Responses to “FAQ”

  1. Luca Barbato says:

    Regarding ASF I’m still waiting Thierry to tell me if the latest sasshka patch fixes his problem but look like he is otherwise busy.

    For the rest I’m 100% at fault =) (I’ll try to reduce the todo^Wblame-list today).

  2. DonDiego says:

    Hahaha – priceless 🙂
    Now keep the list updated! ;-p

  3. Somebody says:

    What’s the deal with PelhÅ™imov, BTW? We call it Pejr, anyway. The local narrow-gauge railroad doesn’t even go there, if that was the motivation.

  4. Kostya says:

    Well, certain people living there ask me quite often. And I’ve tried route JindÅ™ichův Hradec to Nová BystÅ™ice already (they had Polish steam locomotive there instead of Å koda or ÄŒKD, what a shame).

  5. Somebody says:

    Ah, nice. You were lucky steam engine was even on, normally it’s just plain diesel. I’d say Slovakia probably has more interesting narrow gauge railways, but alas, in 1960s-1970s they destroyed the majority. At least they have the WWII era abandoned rails with viaducts and tunnels.