There is a Ukrainian word “жлоб” (zhlob) with unknown origin, but probably coming from Polish żłób via Yiddish (and likely donating that meaning back, since in Ukrainian it means only a person while in Polish it’s not a main meaning and does not connect to it).
It is hard to give a proper translation for that word. It may mean a man large as ox, strong as ox, and with comparable intellect too. One dictionary claims it’s a synonym for a wealthy peasant who employs others. More often though it means a vulgar person with very limited intellectual needs and a miser. Kinda like an average person but without positive traits and with deficiencies magnified. I’m pretty sure that you can recognise such characters even without a strict definition.
And there’s Ukrainian living classic Les’ Poderv’iansky, often known simply as The Artist (he started his career as a painter but got much more famous as a writer and poet; he has given us many catchphrases, the best-formulated version of Ukrainian national idea and I’ve heard people quote his adaptation of Hamlet in full—people who would not normally read classics or memorise poetry).
Once he formulated the main reason why Karl Marx was wrong: people differ not by classes but rather by mindset. So poor zhlob shares interests with the rich zhlob and they can understand each other better (despite being a worker and factory-owner) than, say, a teacher.
Here’s an excerpt from his essay (published in the essay collection “Жлобологія” pp. 245-250 in 2013 if you care):
It would be nice to turn things around so zhlobs can’t get power. Unfortunately that’s utopia.
Sensible people, who are sadly too few, don’t have any influence, so zhlob ideology prospers. The prevalent class is zhlob, who is preserving his values. If this continues, this country will be completely fucked.
That’s because zhlobs are not fit for anything good but like awards nevertheless. […] They require proofs of own importance. They like various tchotchkes, posts and titles. Their hidden dream is to become counts and dukes.
Of course it had been written in Ukraine back in the day before people revolted and threw away one certain zhlob that other zhlobs voted for president, but the principles remain the same and can be applied to other countries. So if you ever wondered why rednecks vote for a hereditary billionaire believing him to be “our guy”, while hating another candidate despite her being “closer” to them—now you know the answer.