na_game_tool 0.3.0 released

This is finally a release I’ve been wanting to make—with a format for each letter of the alphabet! It features about twenty new formats supported, a dozen of them being newly reverse engineered by me and the rest coming from NihAV, various open-source game engines and my older RE work. The games are diverse too, as some of them come from Argentina, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Spain—beside the usual English-speaking countries (I’ve not tried to achieve it but that’s a nice thing too).

As usual, it’s available here (but who really cares?).

Considering that I’ve mostly exhausted the games to look at and the goals for the next release are at least twelve new formats and to support over hundred formats in total (i.e. about twelve in total), I’m not sure the next release will happen this year. I’ll find other stuff to do meanwhile.

5 Responses to “na_game_tool 0.3.0 released”

  1. Sembiance says:

    Awesome! I’ve just incorporated it into dexvert and discmaster is re-processing CDs that contain these new formats. Thanks for making such a great tool!

    One typo I think, when using `na_game_tool –list-input-formats` fst shows up as ‘fst FutureVision audio’ but I think this should say video?

  2. Kostya says:

    Thanks for the report, fixed (and uploaded a new version).

    BTW I don’t understand why you list Callahans Crosstime Saloon video as unsupported. My tool decodes all know Q files from Legend games just fine, including those. Similarly Magic Carpet Flic video should be decodeable just fine with ffmpeg or my tool.

  3. Sembiance says:

    Thanks for the heads up on those 2 formats. That was a mistake on my part, I didn’t have them properly identified in dexvert even though I do support them via your tool. I’ve updated my code accordingly. I try my best to correlate my formats with those your tool and others support, but don’t always catch them all. Thanks again!

  4. Paul says:

    Congratulations on yet another very successful multimedia project!

  5. Kostya says:

    Thanks, it’s easy to achieve success if you set goals low enough—and actually work on achieving them. For comparison, VLC had world domination as their issue #1 on their old ticket system and they’re not likely to achieve that ever…

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